Join BNW!

Make a tax-deductible gift and support professional artists in bringing classic, neglected and original works to neighborhoods all across Brooklyn.
You can also sign up to be a monthly sustainer with an “ongoing recurring gift”.
Please help us to achieve our goals by making a contribution today by clicking below.

If you prefer to pay another way, checks may be made payable to Brave New World Repertory Theatre and send to:
Brave New World Repertory Theatre,
303 Westminster Road, Brooklyn NY 11218

Individual Membership Levels

Sponsor: $250
• Two premium (front & center) seats to see A Moon for the Misbegotten at OSH in Park Slope OR Wyckoff in E. Flatbush

•  Acknowledgement in online playbill and friends list

Supporter: $400
• Four premium (front & center) seats to see A Moon for the Misbegotten at OSH in Park Slope AND/OR Wyckoff in E. Flatbush (use anyway you like.)

•  Acknowledgement in online playbill and friends lists

Contributor: $750

• Six premium (front & center) seats to see A Moon for the Misbegotten at OSH in Park Slope AND/OR Wyckoff in E. Flatbush (use anyway you like.)

• Acknowledgement in online playbill and friends list

Patron: $1500
•  All Contributor benefits PLUS:
•  An exclusive invitation to attend an in-house reading of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons

•  Acknowledgement in online playbill and friends list

Producer: $2000
•  All Patron benefits PLUS:
•  A private play reading in your home for an audience of your choice

Champion: $5000
•  All Producer benefits PLUS:
•  YOUR NAME in the online playbill as an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER of A Moon For The Misbegotten

Community Sponsorship Levels

Community Friend: $250

• Logo & website on Community Sponsor page for 6 months

•  Logo on postcards, posters, and playbills

Community Sponsor Partner: $500

• Logo & website on Community Sponsor page for 1 year

•  Logo on postcards, posters, and playbills

•  Two premium seats (front & center) for A Moon For The Misbegotten

Community Sponsor Leader: $750

•  Logo & website on Community Sponsor page in perpetuity

•  Logo on postcards, posters, and playbill

•  Four premium (front & center) for A Moon For The Misbegotten

Featured Community Sponsor: $1,500

• Logo & website prominently displayed on BNW’s homepage as “Featured Community Sponsor” for six months

•  Logo & website on Community Sponsor page in perpetuity

•  Logo on postcards, posters, and playbill

•  Six premium (front & center) for A Moon For The Misbegotten

Community Sponsors

Brave New World Repertory Theatre would like to thank the following businesses and non-profit organizations for generously donating goods, services and funding.

Thank you to our featured community sponsors

Thank you to our 2022 community sponsors


(Since January 1st, 2024)

GOLD PRODUCERS CIRCLE - $25,000-$49,999

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

SILVER PRODUCERS’ CIRCLE - $15,000 - $24,999

New York State Council on the Arts

BRONZE PRODUCERS’ CIRCLE - $5,000 - $14,999



Lucy Di Rosa

Hugh & Deborah Gelch

Donna Schneiderman & Mitchell Drach


George and Bar Tabac

Sheila Anozier

Kenneth Beckman

William Coulter

Alex Dmitriev

Hugh Gelch

Michael S Landy

Jonathan Sharp


Leo G. Aubel - Jake & Michelle Brooks - Sarah Burd Sharps - Fifty Three Restorations - Garrett French - Eleanor R. Geryk - Leonie Heystek - Tracey Hohman & Ira Silverman - Kathleen Hughes - Sharon Karmazin - Dan Krainin - Angela Kramer - Marty & Jamie Markowitz - Joseph Mattera - Conrad McMillan - Denis Pelli - Madafi Pierre - Jan Rosenberg - Nancy Sing Bock - George T. Spera & Jane C. Ginsburg - Tom & Chris Streit - Karen Sullivan - Tamara Tunie

BRAVE NEW FRIENDS - $25 - $149

Tom & Gina Anderson - Jessie Austrian - The Watermark at Brooklyn Heights - Audrey Campbell -Elizabeth Caruso - Anthony Davenport - Alex Dmitriev - Karen Forte - Trevor Goslin - Gretchen Gough - Craig Grant - Robert Hammond - Lori Herbison - Roberta Honig – Anonymous - Dorothy Lacher - Dorick Lee - Mini Liu - John P. McEneny - Richard O’Brien - Nick Plakias & Leslie Taylor - Kordell Pritchard - Crystal Skillman & Fred Van Lente - Aileen Snider - Sandra Fay Williams - Brett Wettick & Amy Vennema - Jerry Zirino

Brave New World Repertory Theatre is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of Brave New World’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from Brave New World or from the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271


2024 Season


Production History